Apocalyptic Crisis: The planet Ainia experienced a global crisis similar to Earth’s near future. Despite highly advanced technology, it faced an energy crisis, severe environmental pollution, a large unemployed population, the rise of postmodernism, a crisis of faith, and apocalyptic sentiments. A massive plague broke out, the environment was destroyed, and the population drastically decreased.
Scientific Salvation: The advancement of science and technology helped the inhabitants of Ainia overcome the apocalyptic crisis. AI robots saved the planet from extinction. Scientific belief replaced religious faith, and the previously held religious concepts were gradually replaced by scientific views. People began to look at life in a new light through science, gaining a new understanding of life and death.
Potential Crisis: When technology reaches its peak, new crises inevitably lurk. The issues brought by the pinnacle of technology may find solutions in places far away, like Spark City, which retains the initial human moral values.
Future Direction: Ainia has undergone a comprehensive upgrade, with new energy sources, environmental improvements, genetic advancements, and interstellar migration providing new directions for humanity, solving employment and resource redistribution issues. This has established a new world system.
Planet Overview
The technological civilization of Ainia is thousands of years more advanced than Earth. Ainia's inhabitants are highly intelligent, relying on Ainia energy for vitality. Before reaching adulthood, Ainia’s residents are genderless and choose their gender upon maturity.
On Ainia, the physical and virtual worlds coexist, and death has been redefined. Inhabitants can exist in the physical world by repairing their bodies or in the virtual world by storing their consciousness, but they cannot exist in both worlds simultaneously. In the physical world, Ainia's inhabitants resemble various Earth animals but are cybernetic, possessing high intelligence, and their society heavily relies on multifunctional robots. In the virtual world, life is not limited by physical bodies, and residents constantly push forward in technology and philosophy.
Compared to Earth, Ainia's residents have weaker emotional experiences, with less emotional connection between individuals. Emotional cognition is considered a primitive gene. Caregiving robots on Ainia retain more emotional functions to ensure that Ainia's children are nurtured as they grow up.
Major Technological Breakthroughs
New energy technology and environmental improvements ensure the planet's sustainability.
Breakthroughs in genetic technology have significantly increased the average human lifespan, at least 2-3 times the current span.
Advances in computer and information technology have given rise to the virtual world. The gates of life and death are now guarded by AI robots instead of religions and gods. Science has finally illuminated death, making science the only faith.
In physics, a special energy surpassing the speed of light has been discovered, leading Ainia to explore interstellar migration and discover the corresponding existence of Earth and Ainia.